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The Wavell School

Year 8 Director of Students

Mrs Canavan

Pastoral Assistants: Miss Harris & Miss Stacey

 Tutor Groups

9S Mr Denton A2.2
9T Mrs Reeves /Miss Neradova C2.1
 9U Miss Stacey B1.1
9V Ms Lines /Mrs Mort B1.5
9W Miss Harris A3.3
 9X Mr Wentland B1.4
 9Y Miss Smith C1.1
 9Z Mrs Kennedy A1.1

Quick Links:

       Learning Links

       Year 9 Letters

       Canteen Menu

       Weekly Bulletin

       House news



Your Head Prefects for 2024-25

Head Prefect - Tilly Coppock
Head Prefect - Allie Kells
Deputy Head Prefect - Oliver Stacey
Deputy Head Prefect -Grace Davis

Your voice matters!

If you ever have any ideas or suggestions to make the Wavell an even better school in which to learn, please speak to any of the Prefects.

 Full List of Prefects 2024-25


Year 9

You will find links to Year 9 news and information on this page.

Latest Year 9 News...

Visit our Clubs and Extra-curricular wepage for the current list of clubs and activities

2023-24 Year 8 Final Housepoint Totals:

Attendance Awards May 2024:

Well done to 8Y, winners of our Attendance Mascot, this term.

Of all Year 8 students with 100% attendance this term the following were chosen randomly to receive the attendance vouchers :

Well done Maame K, Ella H and Jay C

May 2024

Huge congratulations to Grace S and Ava H who competed in the biggest cheerleading competition in the world in Florida with their Eclipse Allstars team to come in 9th place!

 December 2023

Congratulations to Lauren H  who was graded Grey and White with 8 stripes in a recent Jujitsu Competition and received a medal!




If you have an achievement you would like to celebrate with us please just let your Tutor, Miss Hill or Mrs Coombes know.

Year 9 Housepoint Rewards