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The Wavell School


Our  'Frequently Asked Questions' page aims to provide useful information and links most commonly requested. 


How do I apply for my child to join The Wavell School?

A. Please visit our Admissions page for information on how to apply if your child is in Year 6 or above. You are also welcome to contact us if you wish to discuss your application.

When are the Term Dates and INSET Days?

A. A calendar of Term Dates, INSET Days and early closures etc can be found on the 'Term Dates' page under Parent Information. All dates and events are also regularly updated in the main Calendar found as a link at the bottom of all pages.


What are the times of the School Day?

A. The School opening and closing times as well as break, lunch and lesson times can be found on the School Day page found under Parent Information.

What should I do if my child will be absent from School?

A. If your child is unwell we ask that you phone the School or email as soon as possible on the first day of absence to report this and every day of absence until their return. This should be followed by a note explaining the reasons for the absence on the student’s return to school.

If your child has an unavoidable medical appointment during School hours, please email Reception and write a note for your child to bring in.

An Application for Leave Form must be completed in advance of any other planned absence. Please note: Holiday requests will only be approved under exceptional circumstances.

Further details and the Application for Leave Form can be found on the Absences page.

My child has lost their belongings, what should we do?

A. Initially we encourage all students who have lost an item to have a good look around School. Belongings are often found quickly and easily by the student retracing their steps and revisiting the classrooms they have been in during the day. If an item is not reclaimed it will be taken to reception where, if named, it will be returned to the student. All unnamed items are held in lost property.  Students should ask at Main Reception if they have not been able to find a lost item or in PE if the item was possibly lost in the changing rooms.  It is essential that all of your child's belongings are marked with their name for us to return items to their rightful owners!

My child is doing an after-school club or fixture. What time will they finish?

A. A timetable is available on the Clubs and Activities page under Student Zone. Fixture details can be found in the Weekly Wave Newletter. It is your child's responsibility to inform you of fixture timings or any changes to timetabled clubs. If necessary they are able to contact you using the telephone at reception during break, lunchtime or after School if there is a change or cancellation.

I have lost a Wavellmail how can I get a replacement?

A. Most Wavellmails can be found on the Wavellmail pages of the website and are listed in the Weekly Wave Newletter.  Alternatively hard copies can be obtained from Reception.

 Where can I find out about what my child is studying?

A. Links to the Curriculum information for each Year Group can be found on the Curriculum Information and Parent Partnership pages

What should I do if my child is struggling to access their homework?

A. We have a separate Remote Learning FAQs page for homework and online learning. If you are unable to find the answer there please contact us via homework@wavell.hants.sch.uk 

How can I contact my child's teacher?

A. Please email or telephone to contact any of your child's teachers. When emailing the School please address the email with the name of the member of staff to enable us to forward it promptly. Staff may not be available to take your calls so please leave a message with Reception and they will call back as soon as possible.

Who can I speak to for help and advice?

The Wavell School prides itself on being a caring community and has a highly experienced, competent and effective pastoral team. Students should speak to their, Tutor, DS or any other member of staff if they have any issues. 

Parents and carers should contact the Tutor or DS in the first instance if they need help or advice in order for us to direct your query to the correct staff member.

Our Parent Support Adviser is also available to help with parenting issues.