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The Wavell School

Assessment & Reporting


Throughout their time at the Wavell School, students are assessed within each subject. These assessments allow the teacher and student to get a clear picture of the progress that is being made and the areas that need to be worked on in order to continue making progress. The nature of the assessment varies in each subject and the way in which it is marked may vary between assessments.

For instance, an assessment or test may generate a mark. In the case of GCSE-style questions or past-GCSE papers (in Years 10 and 11), this can then generate an indicated GCSE grade (grades 9 – 1). Smaller assessments may just generate a comment based upon the criteria being assessed. Further information about the assessment structure for each subject can be found on the individual subject pages (in development currently).

Homework will be assessed in different ways depending upon the nature of the homework. Where appropriate the mark/grade may be posted on the Satchel One platform.


Judging Progress

On entry to the Wavell School, students are given an ‘Estimated Attainment Band’ which is an indication of the possible GCSE grades the student will achieve if they continue to make the same progress they have made so far in their education. This is based upon their Key Stage 2 test results and testing carried out when they arrive with us.

For example, a band 5 – 7 indicates that if the student continues to make the same progress they may achieve grades 5, 6 or 7 in their GCSEs. Please note that this is not a guarantee that they will achieve those grades as that depends upon the progress they make whilst at the Wavell School.

The band is not a target! At the Wavell we have high aspirations for all students and so do not set targets. A student is able to achieve any grade if they make the right progress.

Progress is judged against their Estimated Attainment Band. A student given Progress of ‘B’ in their Progress Review is said to be making Expected Progress in the work they have completed since the last written report and therefore on track towards the grades shown by their band.



The school reports progress to parents in two ways:

  • Verbally at Parent Subject Consultation Evenings when subject teachers will discuss with parents the progress their child is making and make suggestions about the way in which they can continue to make progress
  • In written form in a Progress Review.


Progress Reviews

Progress Reviews provide parents and students with a summary of their progress in school since the last report. We report against 6 criteria


Attitude to Learning

Current Progress


Knowledge Understanding

Knowledge Retrieval

Each criteria is judged against a 4 point scale – A (high) to D (low). Please see the Reporting Criteria for detailed descriptions of each criteria.

  • A student who is working well and making Expected Progress will be reported as ‘B’.
  • Exceptional performance in an area would be reported as an ‘A’.
  • Where there is some cause for concern, this would show as a ‘C’
  • A ‘D’ is a major cause for concern and needs immediate attention to bring about improvement.


Further information about the Criteria


This is a summary of the behaviour of the student in lessons within that subject.

Attitude to Learning

This is a summary of the way in which they approach their learning and the effort they make in lessons within that subject.

Current Progress

This is a summary of the progress they have made based upon assessments and tests carried out since the last Progress Review, judged against their Estimated Attainment Band.

Knowledge Understanding

This is a summary to indicate whether they have developed knowledge, skills and understanding through the work carried out in each lesson.

Knowledge Retrieval

This is a summary to indicate whether they can retain and use their knowledge, skills and understanding when carrying out assessments and tests.