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The Wavell School

Youth Speaks 2019

Updated 08.02.19

On the 15th January 2019, the English department took 4 teams of Wavell students to the Rushmoor Council Offices in Farnborough to compete in the district round of the Rotary Youth Speaks competition.

The teams submitted were competing against 4 other schools for the local area: All Hallows, Hawley Hurst, Court Moor and St. Nicholas.

The Intermediate teams went first and the first team from The Wavell was made up of 3 Year 9 boys: Robert Appleby, Cadell Seal and Arthur Payne. The boys delivered an engaging and humorous presentation entitled ‘Can You Put a Price on Life?’ which explored the importance of our NHS service and public sector jobs.

Next up was our Second Intermediate Team made up of first-time public speakers from Year 7 and 9 (Nicholas Quinn, Sidney Robson and Arthur Payne, who stepped in after another student fell ill) who discussed the issues with gender stereotyping in our world today in their wonderful presentation entitled, ‘I am a Woman, so Why am I Competing?’.

When the Senior Team presentations began our first team to present were Carys Hoggan, Bethan Hoggan and Kiedis Briens, all from Year 11, who discussed the important subject of inclusivity for the disabled in the thought-provoking piece ‘Can You Read This?’

The final Wavell team to compete was our second Senior Team delivering a delightful presentation called ‘Batman vs. Bin man: The Real Hero’ which highlighted appreciation needed for the hidden heroes in society; those who inspire, help and sacrifice for the good of those around them and are rarely given the praise deserved.

We are delighted to say that out of the 4 prizes on offer, The Wavell School took home 2!

Sidney Robson won an Individual Award for her respective age category by winning the Best Intermediate Speaker. As this is Sidney’s first competition, we are delighted for her and can’t wait to see what she produces next year.

Our First Senior Team won the District Round and so continued through to the Regional Semi Finals on 7th February where Bethan won Best Main Speaker and the Team were awarded a Merit. Well done to Carys, Bethan and Kiedis! 

To prepare, learn and present a 10-minute team speech on a topic relevant to young people is no easy feat and deserves huge recognition and admiration. A huge well done to all who participated and a special thanks to Arthur Payne for performing in two presentations.

Well done 'Youth Speakers' – we are very proud of you all - see you (and hopefully some new members) next year!

Youth Speaks will begin again in September 2019.

Miss Hill

English KS3 Co-ordinator