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The Wavell School

Year 8 PGL Trip 2019

A fun, fantastic trip enjoyed by all.

Year 8 students enjoyed a sun-soaked three days on the Isle of Wight in May this year enjoying such varied activities as canoeing, abseiling, giant swing, archery and many, many more.

The students were challenged and pushed to exceed their expectations and many students impressed and excelled at new, never before attempted activities.


The behaviour and conduct of the students were a credit to the Wavell and they impressed the instructors with their attention and focus.

New friendships were made and existing friendships were strengthened. Resilience and the ability to face and overcome unfamiliar situations and new challenges were instilled.


 Click here to see the full gallery of photographs ... 

This was another hugely successful trip, PGL 2020 here we come!

A huge thanks to the following staff who accompanied myself and the 82 students on this year’s trip without the generosity of such staff trips like this would not occur.

Huge thanks goes to Miss Winter, Miss Kinch, Miss Knowlton, Mr Campbell, Miss Cousins, Mrs Parkin, Miss Millar and Mr Denton.

Until next year


Mr Jones

Director of Science.