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The Wavell School

Year 7 Winchester Trip 2019

On Friday 3rd May 2019, 79 Year 7 students, accompanied by trip organiser Mr Barker and the team, went on a Humanities trip to Winchester for an exciting day of activities, including a tour around Winchester Cathedral, a visit to the Winchester Museum and a survey in the High Street.

At the Cathedral the students were treated to an excellent tour, where they learnt about the stories of Winchester’s most iconic building. Here they found the resting place of Jane Austen and heard the tale of how the Round Heads' cavalry stormed the building and destroyed the windows.  

At the museum the students were allowed to freely explore the upper and lower levels of the museum. They spent the time dressing up in Roman and Victorian clothing, finding skeletons of Romans and studying an amazing model of Winchester during different periods of history.


In the High Street students had to conduct a survey by asking the public various questions. The students spoke to people about their modes of transport, what they thought of the shops and what they liked about Winchester.

The day was very successful. The students were complimented by both staff members at the Cathedral and members of the public for their excellent behaviour and polite manner. They were all excellent ambassadors of the school.

Mr Barker would like to also thank Mr Britten, Miss Kinch, Miss Young, Mrs Louch, Miss Walsh and Mrs Greenwood for all their hard work in leading the groups, helping the students and making the day a great success.