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The Wavell School

Year 7 Puzzle Day 2023

On Friday 14th July 2023, it was Puzzle Day for our Year 7 students.

The Year 7’s were set a variety of mathematical, logic and physical challenges to challenge their problem solving abilities. Split up into House teams of up to 7 students, the teams competed against each other in their House to be crowned overall winners as well as competing to be the top House of the year, needing to use teamwork, organisational and communication skills to succeed.

The six tasks are listed here and we will describe two of them in further detail below: Tantrix; Stepping Stones; Hula Hoop race; Build a Cube; The Acid River; Frogs on a Log.

One of the tasks was the Stepping Stones, where students had to determine a path “across a river”, where only some of the steps were correct. Team work helped in leading their team quickest across the path as one wrong step would have them starting from the beginning.

Another task was Tantrix, where students were given puzzle pieces and had to connect them so that the colours across them looped, but each additional piece that they were given added a new loop in requiring team work, problem solving and creative thinking to make all of the loops fit.

Puzzle Day 2023

14th July 2023


The competition was incredibly tight, with only several points separating each of the teams. Well done to Mistral 4 for being the top team overall at Puzzle Day and Mistral for being the overall House winners.

Congratulations to each of the students who took part and thank you to the Year 9 helpers and the Year 10 prefects who assisted the Maths Faculty.