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The Wavell School

Year 10 Trip to Warner Bros Studios

This week 52 of our Year 10 Design and Technology, Systems, Art and Photography students took part in an exciting day out at the Harry Potter Tour at Warner Brothers Studios.

They were able to see how the various behind-the-scenes elements came together to create the Harry Potter Film series. The tour showcases the technical skills, artistry and creativity in areas such as set-design, costume, animatronics, graphics and model-making. It was an excellent opportunity for the students to learn more about the many and exciting career paths within the film and television industry.

Some of our students had great fun taking part in a set-design or costume breakdown workshop, lead by the specialist teachers at the studios.

In the set-design workshop students learnt about the practical and illustrative elements involved in creating the sets. Whilst in the costume workshop students learnt about the design decisions behind some of the costumes and had a go at using costume breakdown techniques on fabrics. Students really enjoyed these specialist workshops as they offered a valuable insight into different film careers related to the Arts, Design and Technology.


Staff and students thoroughly enjoyed their time at The Harry Potter Studio Tour and we are thrilled to have been able to take them along.