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The Wavell School

Year 10 Photography Workshop

On Thursday 15th June 2023, our Year 10 Photography students had the wonderful opportunity to go to Farnborough Sixth Form College to work with their amazing staff and complete 3 highly creative photographic tasks.

These were to create a layered image based on the work of artist John Stezaker, a collage image based on the work of  artist David Hockney, and finally a workshop in the darkroom creating images based on work by the artist Robert Heinecken. The students learnt about how images are created from negatives, how light is used to create the image and the chemical processes used in developing their own images from their negatives. See some of the amazing images they created in the gallery below.

Photography Workshop

Year 10 Workshop at Farnborough Sixth Form 15th June 2023

Thank you Farnborough Sixth Form Photography department for this awesome opportunity!