Wavell Students Have Their Say
Wavell students had their own taste of democracy last term, taking part in Hampshire Youth Parliament’s Make Your Mark 2022 Campaign to identify the issues that are affecting our young people.
We had a fantastic response to the campaign within the school, with votes being cast for a wide range of issues, from young people’s input into the recovery from COVID-19 to jobs, access to support for mental health issues, and education and learning.
Whilst the priorities varied slightly between the five year groups, our overall students’ vote highlighted that the environment is the biggest issue for Wavell students, closely followed by Education & Learning, with Health & Wellbeing and Jobs in equal third place.
We fed our results back to the Youth Parliament, and the county-wide results show that the views of Wavell students are very much in line with their peers across Hampshire, where, once again, the environment came out as the prime concern.
We were also delighted to receive the HYP’s Bronze Award for having the third highest percentage of students taking part in the vote!
We will continue to keep sustainability at the heart of our plans for the future, as we look forward to reaping the benefits of our newly installed solar panels in the coming months and years.
Thank you to all who took part in the vote, your opinions will continue to drive the work of your Youth Parliamentarians!