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The Wavell School


On 17th June 12 Year 10 students took part in a SATRO STEM Challenge Day. The day started with a summary of job descriptions from professionals of various different careers. They explained their choice of careers and the obstacles they encountered throughout their journey.

We had the privilege of listening to engineers, a wildlife service coordinator and medical professionals.

Listening to professionals from different backgrounds and experiences was not only motivational and inspiring, but it also helped us to reflect on our own future aspirations.

The main focus of the day was a task set on designing and building a game. It was set as a challenge, and the success was measured by the number of times the ping pong ball could be thrown and reach its target. We worked in teams of 6 and spent about 3 hours on the project.

At the end of the day, we presented our project to our mentor who gave us feedback on our work.

Although it was a challenging task, the day was not all work. We were treated with doughnuts and pizza, which made the day even more enjoyable!

Thank you to SATRO for giving us the opportunity to participate in such an inspiring project.