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The Wavell School

Rushmoor Lottery 6th Anniversary

On 11th September 2023 Mrs Gilbert, our Business Partnership Manager, was lucky enough to be invited to attend the Rushmoor Community Lottery’s celebration of their 6th year of participation in the scheme.  So far, the Lottery has raised in excess of £196,000 that local good causes (including ourselves) are able to use to help fund projects that they would otherwise struggle to run. 

We receive 50% of all our ticket sale revenue and have used it to support the running of our two minibuses.  We feel passionately that, whenever possible, students attending fixtures or trips should be able to do so with little or no financial impact to them.  This work is vital to ensure that there is equal opportunity for all students to be able access extra-curricular activities. 

She was also delighted to see that we are the second biggest ‘earner’ in the Lottery! 

If you would like to support us through the Rushmoor Community Lottery, go to www.rushmoorlottery.co.uk and list The Wavell School as your good cause.  As ever, a huge thank you to all our existing supporters, we are very grateful, particularly during these less-certain economic times.