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The Wavell School

Poetry Live 2022

Upon their return to school in January, Year 9 embarked on a project to memorise a poem off by heart which was to be performed in front of their classes after 4 weeks.

Our students chose their own poems from a collection of GCSE poems and explored the meaning and ideas behind their poems to help them create dramatic and engaging readings for their audience. Each presentation was scored out of 30 with marks being awarded for accuracy of recitation, understanding shown, difficulty level of the poem and overall presentation.

Our classroom heats took place at the start of February and from these the best from each class were put forward to compete in the Year Group Final on Tuesday 15th February. Our finalists who took place were:

Zoe Wraight, Dylan Buckley, Laisa Rasaqa, Toby Phippin, Grace Barnard, Dylan Sandy, Anushka Pahariya, Paige Taylor, Cara Levesley, Victor Wood, Ava Roberts, Amelie Punter, NJ Wilkinson, Hazel Heydon, Erin O’Connor, Hanako Phillips, Chloe Francis, Tiana Linton, Jasmine Legard, Alex Huggett, Panash Sunuwar, Oliver Allen

The competing students then performed their poems once more in front of the judges (Miss Hill – Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator, Mrs Millard – Director of English).

All finalists performed brilliantly and it was a very close competition.

The top three places were awarded to:

  1. Hanako Phillips for her performance of Remains by Simon Armitage
  2. Hazel Heydon who performed an Extract from The Prelude by William Wordsworth
  3. Paige Taylor who shared her recital of The Émigrée by Carol Rumens