PSHE Virtual Citizenship Award Update
All students are currently working towards earning their Virtual Wavell Citizenship Award during their PSHE lessons.
They are awarded a virtual badge on Satchel One for every task completed.
- Complete three badges for the Bronze Award Certificate
- Complete four badges for the Silver Award Certificate
- Complete five badges for the Gold Award Certificate
The students who show an outstanding contribution during the Virtual Wavell Citizenship Award will win a voucher!
Week 2: Great Helper Badge
The ‘Great Helper’ Badge is about being a kind person.
Students were required to show thoughtful kindness to: a friend, a family member, a pet or even themselves! Here are just a few of their 'Acts of Kindness'...
Week 3: Tidying Badge
For the Tidying badge students focused on recycling. They created artwork and repurposed items, wrote poems and even took a hands-on approach to recycling and tidying.
Poetry:Year 9 Students attending school are also getting involved by helping to tidy the Staff Quad during their tutor time.
Keep up the good work everyone!