Our Girls 'Crack the Code'!
On Tuesday 9th July 2024 Stemettes and Lenovo came to Wavell to run a ‘Crack The Code’ Workshop for girls from across the Year Groups. The students were given a design brief to create a smart appliance with a strong emphasis on reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. The Stemettes and Lenovo representatives were so impressed with our students ideas, their creativity throughout the morning and their TinkerCAD 3D Models!
The Winning Designs were:
- 'BlinkyBot' which helps students with their homework by explaining questions students might get stuck on using AI. The environmental aspects included a solar panel on the top of its head to charge, as well as an indoor dock for those classic British weather days of rain!
- 'Smart Fridge' which recognises what you have in your fridge, when it is going to go out of date, creates your next shopping list- but most importantly recipes to help you reduce your food waste!
- 'LawnMower' which allows for dual aspect control- either a remote mower or allowing you to traditionally mow your lawn. In addition to this it can recharge as it cuts the grass using the clippings to turn into biofuel for the design; as well as a retractable solar panel to help charge its internal battery. It would also include cameras to help the lawn mower navigate and avoid plants which are flowering to help biodiversity for pollinators like bees and butterflies!
Other special mentions must be made to the 'Braille Phone' and the 'Smart Watering Can'.
- 'Braille Phone' has a sliding-out keyboard with braille keys to help people send messages as well as a Speech to Text and audio description on the front of the phone. This phone would be made from recycled materials and would be fully recyclable at the end of its useful life.
- 'Smart Watering Can' has a timer on the side to help you not overwater your plants, but would also be able to scan the plant to ensure that only give them the right amount of water required and saving a lot of unnecessary water use!
With thanks to our Design and Technology Department- these students have begun to see their designs come to life using the 3DPrinter!
Some student comments:
I really enjoyed this experience as I got to work with my friends and design something which I felt would be good for the environment. Stemettes and Lenovo were really welcoming and engaging.
I really got to enjoy presenting my ideas to the rest of the group at the end.
It was fun and a great learning experience and I hope they will come back to do more!