NHS Roadshow
On Tuesday 16th July 2024 a group of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in a Roadshow workshop delivered by the NHS, covering topics such as vaccinations, healthy eating, healthy relationships and the dangers of smoking and vaping. Throughout the day students completed a number of different activities, including setting their own ground rules, learning about their key topics, suggesting improvements for NHS leaflets and websites and being able to create their own.
Each group created a different and new way of sharing information with their peers, including posters, leaflets and even a few video advertisements on the dangers of smoking and how important vaccines were in simple and easy to understand ways, with prizes given out throughout the day.
Towards the end of the day they were able to take some time to do some mindfulness activities, such as decorating their own notebooks and hand making some fiddle toys. They also had the opportunity to visit several booths from the NHS on mental health, dental hygiene and the importance of a good diet – and try on some ‘beer goggles’ to try and walk in a straight line!
Students on the day said that they found the event ‘fun' and 'informative’, and said they enjoyed being able to give feedback on resources that were aimed at students their age to improve them for others in the future.