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The Wavell School

MUN 2019

The 18th October saw the culmination of weeks of hard work for 9 of our Year 11 students when they took part in the 20th session of The Calthorpe Park Model United Nations.

The students had to prepare information about their assigned countries before attending a lobbying session on the evening of 16th October. The evening event started with welcomes from the Secretary General and other senior dignitaries, a live music performance and a fantastic presentation of significant events from the year since the last sitting of the Model UN. After a tentative start Wavell students were soon canvassing allies from other nations to support their proposals, these were put to the vote to select the resolution for Friday’s debate. Wednesday evening finished with a fireworks display to celebrate Calthorpe Model UN’s 20th anniversary.

Friday saw the sitting of the full UN. Wavell teams represented Serbia, New Zealand and Ukraine. 12 resolutions were debated on the day and further information on their detail can be found here https://www.cps.hants.sch.uk/356/model-united-nations-2019. All Wavell teams worked extremely hard and argued their points well, with their amendments being passed by the majority.

A huge thank you to Calthorpe Park for running the event and to all the sponsors. Your student-led security and press teams did an amazing job looking after us all. The newsletter of the day was printed ready for our departure on Friday. https://www.cps.hants.sch.uk/108/latest-news/article/219/model-united-nations-october-2019

The whole event was excellent and many of those that took part are looking forward to returning as sixth form students to take part again. 

“It was brilliant”, “my arm hurts from holding up our sign, we had so much to say”, “I can’t wait to take part again.”

A final word from Miss Cossburn, who escorted the students

There are not enough words to say how proud I am of our students. They have been a pleasure to work with and I feel secure that the future of the country is safe in the hands of these budding politicians.