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The Wavell School

Hampshire Book Award 2019

Every year avid readers from Year 8 take part in the Hampshire Book Awards. This involves participating secondary schools from across the County reading then voting for the best paperback fiction title published the previous year.

The students are involved in every stage of the Award from the selection of the long and short list to the final vote from the winning author.

The shortlist of books announced in March 2019 were:

Accompanied by Miss Knowlton and Mrs Seward, 10 students from Year 8 attended Calthorpe Park School in Fleet for the live Regional Voting Day on 3rd July 2019. Together with other local schools, they discussed the books and then submitted votes for their favourite one. Each book was rated according to the three Es : Enjoyment, Enrichment and Engagement.

Students took part in a short fiction quiz whilst the votes from around the County were being counted. The winning table won a fiction book each to keep as their prize.

Once all votes were counted and verified, the winning book was announced as :

Shell by Paula Rawsthorne

The winning author will be invited to a presentation at Winchester Guildhall in the Autumn term to accept the award.


Wavell students involved were: Ezekias, Lily, Sanayaa, Tashantie, Archita, Libby-Beth, Phoebe, Rachel, Siobhan and Emma.