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The Wavell School

HEON Enterprise Workshop

On the 16th June 2022, 25 Year 9 students took part in a HEON Enterprise Workshop. In groups they had to design and market a ride for Thorpe Park where the queue was an integral part. In this they showed great team work, leadership skills, presenting and problem- solving skills. All students who took part had many fantastic ideas and all were involved in the task set!  

Congratulations to our winning group of Tamara, Jack, Katie, Dylan and Isabelle for their design for a ride called ‘Ritual’, they will now go on to compete against other schools at Thorpe Park in July!

Year 9 HEON Enterprise Workshop.

A selection of photographs taken during the workshop on 16th June 2022

And a special thank you to all the staff who helped with the day and for their involvement.