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The Wavell School

FoW Quiz Night

13th September 2019

Thank you to all parents staff and former students for making Friday’s Quiz a really fun event and for raising £361.50 for the School Minibus!  We had a fantastic 14 teams enter which gave the Hall a real buzz.  Thank you to the crew that helped with question setting, marking and particularly to Barry for reading the questions and Lizzy for running Heads and Tails.

Well done to Les Quizerables for their first place, narrowly beating the Mathemagicians by 1 point.  Congratulations also to The Medical Room team who won the chocolate (booby prize), it’s the taking part that counts! We hope you all enjoyed it!! 

We are looking forward to running another FoW Quiz in the New Year – keep an eye out for the date!!

The Friends of Wavell comprises of a committee of Parents, Staff and Governors who meet three times a year. If you are interested in becoming a committee member or just helping out at one of our events please email us at fofw@wavell.hants.sch.uk. We would also love to hear from any businesses that may be able to help with sponsorship.