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The Wavell School

Duke of Edinburgh Assessed Expedition

What a lovely weekend for sun bathing and walking!

The Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh students kept smiling through the heat, keeping well hydrated and trying to stay in the shade as much as possible on their Assessed Expedition last weekend.

We are extremely proud of their attitude and perseverance, working well in their teams and as a whole group during the hot sticky evening on Saturday which didn’t drop below 21 degrees all night. It was a case of desert before dinner as ice pops were enjoyed by all to help cool them down.

DofE Expedition 2023

10th-11th June 2023


With only a few blisters and mosquito bites they all finished tired but in good spirits on Sunday before returning home for a well deserved rest!

Mrs Dobson and Mr Blunden would like to say a huge well done and also a big thank you to the staff who gave up their weekend to help us.