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The Wavell School

Channel Challenge

Mrs Phillips, Head of Aqua House, set all Houses the fun challenge of virtually crossing the Channel as many times as possible during the Easter holiday. We had a great response with both students and staff members actively walking, cycling, swimming, running, climbing and even skiing for their Houses! All individual distances covered have now been added together and we are excited to announce that those who entered completed a combined distance of 1383 miles which is equivalent to 66 Channel crossings!

Congratulations to our winners who individually travelled the furthest and well done to all who took part.

Overall winners - Students: 

1st Phoebe Eyre  11Y Aqua

2nd Kane Ballantyne 9T Aqua

3rd Reuben Slade-Jones  8X Ignis


Overall winners - Staff:    

1st Mrs Seward  Ignis

2nd Mr Blunden Terra

3rd Miss Millar  Ignis


Overall Houses:

1st Ignis

2nd Aqua    

3rd Terra

4th Mistral