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The Wavell School

Aqua Charity Swim

A record number of 34 members of the Wavell community took part in the annual Aqua Charity Swim at Farnborough Leisure Centre on Saturday 7th March 2020 in aid of The British Heart Foundation and Water Aid.


We are still finalising the amount raised for the British Heart Foundation and Water Aid so a report of total raised and further celebration will follow!


Congratulations to all students, teachers and family members who took part.





Jarred Addinson

Robbie Allan

Emily Florey

Hugh Mackay

Don Quan

Aisha Wood

Miss Kinch

Miss Thompson

Miss Woodward

Phillipa Bolden

Jessica Brooke

Kathryn Crossingham

Lael Gilliver

Erin O’Connor

Teegan O’Connor

Josephine Pinel

An Quan

Molly Brooke

Macey Claughton

Jake Etherington

Elena Neagu

Natalie Ng and family

Harry Rimington


Miss Cossburn (Head of Houses
so no Affiliated House)

Rohan Butt

Niamh Dillon

Oliver Dunn

Lauren Hinchey

Alex Jamieson

Mr Greaves

Mrs Greenwood

Mrs Phillips