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The Wavell School

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

On Thursday 3rd October, while the rest of the school enjoyed their early closure, Mrs Smith (Director of Students Year 10) and Miss Hill (Pastoral Assistant Year 9) took 12 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 to Yateley School to participate in The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Ambassador training.

The day was packed with exciting activities centred on celebrating our differences and using our similarities to empathise with and help those in need. Our students experienced workshops in getting to know new people, exercises to establish an understanding of bullying behaviour, a talk on what can cause bullying and advice on how to support peers who are targets of bullying. All of this hard work and focus culminated in our 12 ambassadors designing a campaign to tackle bullying with school. They came up with a wealth of ideas and are looking forward to meeting with Ms. Rowley to put some of these in place.

During this school year, these 12 incredible students will take on a key role in helping support students from all year groups and raise awareness of bullying round the school. The area of focus for this year will be: respect; community action; wellbeing; online safety.