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The Wavell School

Year 9 Geography

What will my child study in Geography during Year 9?

Topics for study:

  • Development – Understanding how development affects people
  • Weather Hazards – Studying the Interaction Between Us and Nature
  • Resources – Understanding where our Resources come from (
  • Coasts – Understanding Coastal Processes and Landscapes
  • China – Place Study
  • Superpowers – Understanding the how Global geography affects us

How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Geography in Year 9?

  • Modular assessments are held after each unit of work (usually every 5/6 weeks). 

  • In Year 9 all students are expected have a good foundation for GCSE geography across the full National Curriculum.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 9 in Geography?

  • Homework is set fortnightly and includes tasks to support class work and extends students’ geographical knowledge. These range from online quizzes, independent learning/research tasks, posters and presentations and model building.

How can I support my child to do well in Geography during Year 9?

  • Please ensure that homework is completed on time and in advance of the deadline. Encourage your child to ask for help if there are any difficulties and make use of the Geography homework club. We recommend that students print any necessary work 48 hours before it is due, as broken personal printers are a frequent cause of late work.

  • Students should see the VLE for recommendations and access to further Geography reading. Please encourage your child to make use of these links and to use Geographical vocabulary in their work. It would be helpful for students to self-evaluate their homework in terms of the level of effort they have put in and the level of detail and explanation they have provided. This can done using the P.E.E.L. acronym (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link). 

What equipment may my child need in addition to the standard school equipment?

  • All students need a pen, pencil, ruler and rubber. 

  • Coloured pencils (not felt tipped pens) are also helpful.

By the end of the year, what would an 'expert' be able to do in Geography?

  • By the end of the year, all students should be able to describe and explain physical and human processes and recognise that these create the distinctive characteristics of places. Many students will also be able to explain how human activities can have environmental consequences at a range of scales and consider how sustainable these challenges are. They will also be able to evaluate a variety of sources of evidence critically and present justified conclusions.

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

All students have access to Kerboodle which provides online text books for the topics we cover in class.  SAM Learning provides quizzes linked to the topics.  The National Academy also provide online lessons on the topics covered in the National Curriculum


Updated September 2023