Year 9 Computing
What will my child study in Computing during Year 9?
In Year 9 all students will be following the Computing Programme of Study. Throughout Key Stage 3 students study computing for one lesson each week. In addition, students will have the opportunity to use computer suites and mobile technology across the curriculum.
The content of the course is as follows:
Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 |
1st Half-Term
2nd Half-Term
How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Computing in Year 9?
- Students will complete a range of classwork using Microsoft Teams and other software such as Mu (Python IDE).
- Using Microsoft forms students will complete an assessment pre and post unit delivery, where students progress can be measured and too see how much knowledge has been retained from previous years.
- Students will be assessed at the beginning of the Year with a Baseline assessment using Microsoft Forms. They will also be assessed at the end of every unit which they study.
What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 9 in Computing?
Homework is set at least once every half term and will normally take up to half an hour, per homework, to complete. All homework will be carried out using some form of online software, so students will need access to a digital device. If they do not have access to this, they are able to use school computers in the library during breaktimes and lunchtimes.
The iDEA Award Badges will also be set as homework throughout each year to support the unit of learning. Students will be expected to send screenshots of their completed badges on Satchel:One or show their teacher that they have completed the badges.
How can I support my child to do well in Computing during Year 9?
- If you have access to a computer, having a python IDE such as (Code With Mu) installed on your computer will allow students to continue with their python development at home. However all software is available at school and arrangements can be made for those who would like additional support.
What equipment may my child need in addition to the standard school equipment?
It is not expected that students will have access to a computer and specific software packages at home. If these are needed students may use the facilities in school.
By the end of the year, what would an 'expert' be able to do in Computing?
- Understands that iteration is the repetition of a process such as a loop.
- Recognises that different algorithms exist for the same problem.
- Represents solutions using a structured notation.
- Can identify similarities and differences in situations and can use these to solve problems (pattern recognition).
- Recognises that some problems share the same characteristics and use the same algorithm to solve both.
- Understands the notion of performance for algorithms and appreciates that some algorithms have different performance characteristics for the same task.
Programming and development
- Understands that programming bridges the gap between algorithmic solutions and computers.
- Has practical experience of a high-level textual language, including using standard libraries when programming.
- Uses a range of operators and expressions e.g. Boolean, and applies them in the context of program control.
- Selects the appropriate data types.
- Uses nested selection statements.
- Understands the difference between, and uses, both pre-tested e.g. ‘while’, and post-tested e.g. ‘until’ loops.
Data and Data Representation
- Knows that digital computers use binary to represent all data.
- Understands how bit patterns represent numbers and images.
- Knows that computers transfer data in binary.
- Understands the relationship between binary and file size (uncompressed).
- Defines data types: real numbers and Boolean.
- Understands how numbers, images, sounds and character sets use the same bit patterns.
- Performs simple operations using bit patterns e.g. binary addition.
- Understands the relationship between resolution and colour depth, including the effect on file size.
- Distinguishes between data used in a simple program (a variable) and the storage structure for that data.
- Understands the relationship between binary and electrical circuits, including Boolean logic.
- Performs operations using bit patterns e.g. conversion between binary and hexadecimal, binary addition.
Hardware and Processing
- Understands the concepts behind the fetch-execute-cycle
- Understands the von Neumann architecture in relation to the fetchexecute cycle, including how data is stored in memory.
- Understands the basic function and operation of location addressable memory.
- Knows that processors have instruction sets and that these relate to low-level instructions carried out by a computer.
Communication and networks
- Knows the purpose of the hardware and protocols associated with networking computer systems.
- Understands the client-server model including how dynamic web pages use server-side scripting and that web servers process and store data entered by users.
- Recognises that persistence of data on the internet requires careful protection of online identity and privacy
- Understands the hardware associated with networking computer systems, including WANs and LANs, understands their purpose and how they work, including MAC addresses.
Information technology
- Justifies the choice of and independently combines and uses multiple digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals.
- Evaluates the trustworthiness of digital content and considers the usability of visual design features when designing and creating digital artifacts for a known audience.
- Identifies and explains how the use of technology can impact on society.
- Designs criteria for users to evaluate the quality of solutions, uses the feedback from the users to identify improvements and can make appropriate refinements to the solution.
- Undertakes creative projects that collect, analyse, and evaluate data to meet the needs of a known user group.
- Effectively designs and creates digital artefacts for a wider or remote audience. (AL) (DE) • Considers the properties of media when importing them into digital artefacts.
- Documents user feedback, the improvements identified and the refinements made to the solution.
- Explains and justifies how the use of technology impacts on society, from the perspective of social, economical, political, legal, ethical and moral issues.
My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?
- Speak to your Computing teacher in the first instance
- BBC Bitesize has a range of excellent information and resources that cover the computing national curriculum in full.
- Keep completing your iDEA Award Badges
- All classwork and resources can be accessed remotely through Microsoft teams, using the students office 365 login details.
Updated August 2023