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The Wavell School

Year 11 Food Preparation & Nutrition

Cambridge National in Food Preparation & Nutrition


GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure that students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food ingredients. At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students’ practical cookery skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition.

Course Content

Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics:

  • Food, nutrition and health
  • Food science
  • Food safety
  • Food choice

Food provenance (where food has come from and how it is produced)

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: AQA

Specification Code: 8585






Non-Exam Assessment NEA1 – Science based Food Investigation


NEA2 – Food Preparation Assessment



15% Food Investigation 


35% Prepare, cook and present Practical


10 hours



20 hours including 3 hour final practical assessment

Food Investigation Start 1st September Year 11


Practical assessment start 1st November Year 11

NEA1 - Food Investigation 1500 – 2000 word report.



NEA2 – plan, cook & evaluate - 15 x A4 pages.

External Exam – Paper 1 – Single Tier


(100 Marks)

1 hour 45 minutes

Summer of Year 11

Section A will be 20 multi-choice questions (20 marks). Section B covers all aspects of the specification content (80 marks).

What did my child study during Year 10?

Food preparation and nutrition covered the following theory concepts in Year 10, illuminate AQA online textbook can be accessed (https://www.illuminate.digital/aqafood/)

1st Term

2nd Term

3rd Term

3.5.3 Sensory evaluation, costings and Time Plans. (pg247-254) Making Informed choices for a varied and balanced diet (pg38-58) Why food is cooked and how heat is transferred to food (pg78-90)

3.2.1 Macronutrients - Protein (pg2-9) Energy Needs (pg58-62) Selecting appropriate cooking methods (pg78-104)

3.2.1 Macronutrients - Fats (pg10-16) How to carry out Nutritional Analysis (pg63-69)

3.4.1 Food spoilage and contamination (pg158-185)

3.2.1 Macronutrients -  Carbohydrates (pg16-21) Diet Nutrition and Health (pg44-55 & 70-77) Microorganisms and enzymes (pg158-161)

3.2.2. Micronutrients - Vitamins (pg22-30)

3.3 Food Science - 3.3.2 Functional and chemical properties of food. (pg105-157) The signs of food spoilage (pg161-165)

3.2.2. Micronutrients - Minerals (pg30-35)

3.3 Food Science - Proteins (pg105-115) Microorganisms in food production (pg165-171)

3.2.2. Micronutrients - Water (pg36-37)

3.3 Food Science - Carbohydrates (pg116-126) Bacterial contamination (pg171-185)

Mini NEA task.: 3.5.2  British and international cuisines (pg237-246)

3.3 Food Science - Fats and oils (pg126-140)

3.4.2 Principles of food safety (pg185-202)


3.3 Food Science - Fruit and vegetables (pg22-30 Preparing, cooking and serving food (pg192-202)


3.3 Food Science - Raising Agents (pg140-157)

3.5.1 Factors affecting food choice (pg202-210) Factors which influence food choice (pg202-211) Food choices (pg211-220) Food labelling and marketing influences (pg220-236)

What will my child study during Year 11?

The focus for Year 11 is NEA1 and NEA2 (Non Exam Assessment). Students will undertake a project as part of their non-examination assessment. The NEAs will test students’ skills in researching, planning, making and evaluating a range of dishes or components of a dish that will allow them to apply the skills they have acquired and developed throughout their study. Students are required to analyse a given task from a range of three on an individual basis. Having selected a task to work within, students should develop a range of potential ideas/dishes and then realise one through practical making activities.

How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Food Preparation & Nutrition in Year 11?

Students will undertake 2 projects, NEA 1 and NEA 2, based on a given task released by the exam board each year. Both of these non-examined assessments will be carried out under controlled conditions. NEA 1 is worth 30 marks and NEA 2 is worth 70 marks, collectively worth 100 marks in total which overall accounts for 50% of their GCSE grade.  Teachers can provide broad parameters for students’ to work with; however they cannot give detailed feedback to individual students about how to improve work to meet the assessment criteria, or mark work provisionally and share that mark so that students may then improve it.  Students, whose progress is below expectation, will be requested to attend after school catch-up sessions and parents will be made aware through a phone call or email home.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 11 in Food Preparation & Nutrition?

Students will be set weekly homework that they will be expected to spend around 1 hour completing. The homework’s will be a variety of tasks such as:

  • Completion of past GCSE questions
  • Revision for tests
  • Online revision/quizzes using sites such as BBC bitesize/Kahoot/Seneca Learning

Students will be expected to regularly access the online textbook via https://www.illuminate.digital/aqafood/

Their username is SWAVELL3 and the password is STUDENT3.

How can I support my child to do well in Food Preparation & Nutrition during Year 11?

  • Ensure they complete their homework properly and in detail
  • Support them by ensuring they have somewhere suitable to work, away from distractions but with online access to the textbook etc.
  • Buy a revision guide (order forms available to download via this website)
  • Support them to revise and prepare properly for each test
  • Encourage them to attend after school catch-up sessions if they fall behind with their work

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • Students can access the digital textbooks to help with revision.
  • After school catch-up sessions will be available.
  • Revision books can be purchased to assist with understanding.
  • Students should be encouraged to seek assistance from their teacher when they are struggling with any concept.
  • Students have access to a range of online Learning platforms which have a range of resources to help boost understanding.

What work did students complete during the school closures that they may not fully understand? Making Informed choices for a varied and balanced diet (pg38-58) Energy Needs (pg58-62) How to carry out Nutritional Analysis (pg63-69) Diet Nutrition and Health (pg44-55 & 70-77)

3.3 Food Science - 3.3.2 Functional and chemical properties of food. (pg105-157)

3.3 Food Science - Proteins (pg105-115)

3.3 Food Science - Carbohydrates (pg116-126)

3.3 Food Science - Fats and oils (pg126-140)

3.3 Food Science - Fruit and vegetables (pg22-30)

3.3 Food Science - Raising Agents (pg140-157)

How will we support those students who were unable to work properly during the school closures and have gaps in their knowledge/understanding?

As the nature of the curriculum in Food Preparation and Nutrition we revisit key concepts through practical lessons, most of the core theory covered during the closures will be revisited during lessons in Year 11 to help close gaps in their understanding.

Revision material will be made available to students and a series of after-school catch up sessions will be run during the Autumn Term to focus on the content that was covered during the school closures. Students whose performance in the Year 10 exam indicate that they do not fully understand the work will be expected to attend.

The work above will then be followed with specific tasks to assess the understanding of that work and questions will also be set within the mock exams in Nov/Dec.

What changes have been made to the exams to take into account the disruption due to the pandemic?

AQA Advance Information - Food Preparation & Nutrition

Last Updated August 2023