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The Wavell School

Year 11 Creative iMedia

Cambridge National in Creative iMedia


The Cambridge Nationals Creative iMedia Course and Qualification.
The media industry has become an integral part in many areas of our everyday lives and also an important part of the UK economy. It is driven by the creative skills of the people who work in it and the ever-changing technology they have access to.

On this course you will be given the chance to develop a wide range of creative and digital skills. You will learn about a range of roles in the media industry and the basics of the tools and techniques that are required in order to have an exciting career in this field. 
This course will give you an opportunity to develop a visual identity for clients, plan and create digital products and then evaluate their suitability.

The course is suitable for all abilities.  It is made up of three units, two of which are mandatory.   Students will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction in level 1 or 2 upon successfully completion.

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: OCR 

Specification Code: J834






Unit R094: 
Visual Identity and Digital Graphics
Mandatory Unit


 10-12 hours


Year 10
Controlled Assessment
spring/summer term

Internally assessed
Externally moderated by OCR

Unit R099: Digital Games
Optional Unit


12-15 hours




Year 11
Controlled Assessment
Autumn/spring term


Internally assessed
Externally moderated by OCR
Teaching for this unit begins in the summer term of year 10
Actual controlled assessment begins in the autumn term

Unit RO93:
Creative iMedia in the Media Industry
Mandatory Unit


 90 minutes

Year 11
Exam summer term

This unit is externally assessed by OCR exam.  Teaching for this unit is throughout years 10 & 11.
Both R094 & R099 units must be submitted before sitting the exam.


What did my child study during Year 10?

R094- Visual identity and digital graphics

Developed an understanding of the traditional & digital media that is used today and historically. 

Found out the purpose, elements and design of a visual identity?

Began to develop their design ideas and drawing skills. 

Discovered how colour & typography style and fonts can send a message.

Used graphic software to create their design ideas (Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop).

Learnt keyword technical terms and their meanings.


Looked at various layout conventions for different graphic products and purposes. Posters, adverts, CDs, DVDs & game covers, leaflets, magazine and book cover conventions, packaging and various types of graphics for web design.



Interpreted a client's requirements (brief)

Understood how a target audience can influence design.

Researched, different concepts/ideas on and offline and gained an understanding of the legal implications of plaragaism/copyright in the industry/school.

Hardware, techniques and software were used to digitise or create pre-production documents.

Gained an awareness of the different health & safety considerations while using computers and other equipment.

Discovered how to use images and intellectual property in a commercial sense, and the implications of legislation.


Produced the following pre-production documents

Mood board (digital and physical)

Mind map/spider diagram

Developed & designed an original  logo and a brand for a client.

Learnt the properties and limitations of file formats for still images

Created visualisation diagrams

Used naming conventions and version control of files & folders

Reviewed pre-production documents critically and made improvements to their work.


Created a digital graphic and logo

Sourced or create suitable graphics for commercial use. In line with current legislation. 

Ensured the technical compatibility of images for a task.

Used a variety of software, tools and techniques to fulfil a brief.

Saved/exported graphics in different suitable formats

Used naming conventions and version control of files & folders

Kept a step-by-step log of the work and methods used.


Evaluated a digital graphic

To show an understanding of its strong and weak points. Then consider and identified areas for improvement and possible development.


Undertook the R094 Controlled Assessment tasks 

What will my child study during Year 11?

R099- Digital games

The digital game sector has a variety of technical and creative job roles. R099 unit, will enable them to identify the core features through the planning, designing, creating and testing of a digital game.

You will be looking at and researching the many types of games on the market and their target audience, 2D & 3D, simulation, game-based learning, augmented/virtual reality and MMO (multiplayer online games).

Investigating the different types of genre of games (action, sports, role-playing, quest, strategy etc.) While learning about the many resources required to create, test and play games.

The school IT suite has Clickteam Fusion game software for the students. The expectation is for Creative iMedia students to download a free basic version to learn at home or come after school to use our IT suite facilities).

Learning keyword technical terms and their meanings.


Plan digital games TA1

Mood board digital. (with sound & animation)

Mind map/spider diagram

The design & development of a logo for the game.

To be able to create a Game Design Document (GDD) to clearly explain in detail all aspects of the new game to a client. The document should demonstrate a clear understanding of the client’s requirements and how the student has interrupted their brief: using artwork, storyboards, flowcharts, detailed gameplay, target audience, the unique selling point (USP) and still match what the client wants.

The health and safety considerations needed when using computers and other equipment.

Understand the legal implications of using images and/or intellectual property in a commercial game in law.


Create digital games TA2

Prepare/create Test & Asset Tables

Create a step-by-step log to show evidence of development and design changes made.

Source, edit and create images/sprites, and sound files for commercial use in line with current legislation.

Use naming conventions and version control of all files & folders.

Build and set up the environment for the game.

Program a game, testing gameplay throughout the build.

To enhance the gameplay by using a time restriction, scoring, collisions, and health to add interest to the game. 

Export the game in a suitable format.


To evaluate and review digital games TA3

Show an understanding of the game’s strong and weak points by referring to the Test Table.

Did the final game match the client and the game design document’s requirements?

Describe how the game could be improved and developed further, if time and money were not a restriction.


Undertake R099 Controlled Assessment tasks to be completed in January term.

Unit R093 - Creative iMedia in the media industry

A written 1hour and 30 minutes exam paper. Which can ONLY be sat after R094 & R099 units are completed and handed in.  This unit, will be taught over the two years as part of integrated learning for the controlled assessments and as mini research projects for homework. Learning of this will be monitored using classroom tests.

Areas of study in preparation for written paper in year 11

This is studied throughout years 10 & 11

The media industry TA1

Learn about the media industry sectors and products.

Where and how media is used (past and present).

Different job roles and responsibilities in the media industry.

Types of products evolving in the media industry, ranging from film, eBooks, music, and games to virtual reality learning.

The convergence of media products. 

Production phases from concept to final product.


Factors influencing product design TA2

The purposes of media products – inform, educate, entertain, influence and advertise/promote.

About style, content and layout.

The client requirements and how they are defined.

Target audience, the understanding of the audience’s demographics and segmentation.

Research methods, sources and types of data.

Media codes how they are used to convey meaning.

How meaning, impact and engagement are created through image, colour and text.

Filming, camera technics, angles, shots and methods.

Transitions between scenes, slides & pages 

Photography, forms of lighting, setting a scene etc.

Types of graphics and their various forms and uses.


Pre-production planning TA3

The importance of work plans/Gantt Chart and their purpose.

The purpose of the client’s brief.

The use of mind maps and mood boards aids in creative thinking.

What is an asset log? What is its importance?

Flow charts and their use in pre-production for example in gameplay.

Understanding scripts and the different terminology in filming & audio.

Creating storyboards and their use in film, animation and games.

Visualisation and wire-framing for graphical products. 

Legalisation affects media and the laws to protect individuals. 

Understanding the various regulations, certifications and classifications can have an impact on the production and use of traditional and new media.

Health & safety, risk assessments, recces and other documentation.


Distribution considerations TA4

To evaluate the different methods of distribution and media.

To be aware of the disadvantages and advantages of each.

Online, Apps, multimedia, web, computer, interactive TV, kiosks, mobile devices and physical media.

To be able to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the properties, formats and use of the many types of media files.

The native and standard file formats for audio, moving and static images are used in many aspects of media.

Interactive media products, for example, kiosks & websites. 

Please note Units R094 and R099 must be completed before taking the final Unit R093 in year 11.


How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well he/she is doing in Creative iMedia in Year 11?

  • R094- internally assessed, externally moderated in year 10. Result September
  • Results from mock paper- (unseen exam paper February)
  • Feedback from teacher re progress.
  • Marks from homework tasks and classwork.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 11 in Creative iMedia?

  • Weekly
  • 60 minutes
  • Written homework tasks, practical after school skills sessions.
  • E-revision & Knowitallninja websites, books, worksheets plus resources provided on Satchel.

How can I support my child to do well in Creative iMedia during Year 11?

  • Encourage students to attend after school sessions
  • Encourage students to download free trial versions of recommended software
  • Encourage students to make good use of the revision websites, along with past papers and exam board mark schemes, to help them prepare for the written exam.
  • There are several revision books that can be purchased from the school at a reduced price.

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

As above, plus students can make use of LS support where appropriate, teaching staff are always willing to tailor extra support for students where necessary.

 Last Updated February 2024