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The Wavell School

Year 10 Design & Technology

GCSE Design and Technology


The Edexcel Design and Technology GCSE will be delivered through three specialist areas. Students will pick one of the specialist areas to study in depth and have opportunities to design and make products in their chosen materials, the specialisms are:

  • Paper and Boards (Graphics)
  • Timber Based Materials (Resistant Materials)
  • Textiles Based Materials (Textiles)

All GCSE students will cover a core technical content where they will learn about, new and emerging technologies, smart materials, sustainability and the environment. All students will learn the about the manufacture, properties and applications of metals and alloys, polymers, textiles, timbers and papers and boards alongside their specialist area.

Specification at a glance


Specification Code: 1HDT0






Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)


 (100 marks)

 35 hours approx.





From June of Year 10 until March of Year 11

A single design-and-make project from a set context from the exam board– Internally assessed and Externally moderated

The NEA is split into these four sections:

Investigate (16 marks)

Design (42 marks)

Make (36 marks)

Evaluate (6 marks)

External Examination –

Written Paper

Single Tier


 (100 marks)

1.45 hours


Summer of Year 11

Section A- Core (40 marks)

Section B- Material Category (60 marks)


What will my child study during Year 10?

Design and Technology covers the following core theory concepts in Year 10, Edexcel online Textbook can be accessed (https://www.pearsonactivelearn.com/app/Home):

1st Term

2nd Term

3rd Term

1.8 Metals (Pg37–39)




1.2 How new & emerging technologies inform design decisions (Pg 11 – 14)

How to critically evalueate new & emerging technologies to inform design decisions

How critical evaluations can be used to infrom design decisions

Ethical perspectives when evaluating new & emerging technologies

Environmental perspectives when evaluating new & emerging technologies

Technical textiles

1.13 Design & Technological practices to inform outcomes (Pg55-58)

A wide range of materials, components & manufacturing to inform outcomes


1.9 Paper & boards (Pg40-42)

Paper & boards



1.3 Energy Generation (Pg15-18)

Sources, generation & storage of energy

Powering systems

Factors to consider when choosing energy sources

1.14  Environmental, social & economic challenges when identifying opportunities and constraints that influence designing (Pg58-61)

Respect for different social, ethnic & economic issues

appreciation of the environment

"green design"

Recycling & reusing materials or products

Human capability

Life cycle analysis (LCA)

1.10 Polymers (Pg43-46)




1.4  Developments in modern & smart materials, composite materials and technical textiles (P19-24)

Modern & smart materials


Technical textiles

1.15 Investigate and analyse the work of past and present professionals (Pg62-65)

Analysing a product to specification

Past and present designers

1.11 Textiles (Pg47-51)







1.5  Mechanical devices (Pg25-32)

types of movement

classification of levers




pulleys and belts

cranks & sliders

gear types

1.16 Design strategies to generate ideas (Pg66-68)

Covered through NEA



1.12 Timbers (Pg52-54)





1.6  Electronic systems (Pg33-34)


control devices


1.17 Develop, communicate, record & justify design ideas (Pg68-77)

communication techniques to present design ideas

Record & justify design ideas using written techniques

1.1 Impact of new and emerging technologies (Pg3-10)








Production techniques & Systems

1.7  Programmable components (Pg35-36)


how to switch outputs on/off

analogue inputs

simple routines with delays, loops, counts


How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in D&T in Year 10?

The D&T core theory will be covered during Year 10 and is a topic-based course (see above for list of topics).  At the end of each term, students will complete an informal test in class lasting 30 minutes and worth 30 marks made up of previous GCSE questions. The test will be notified via Satchel with some revision materials published to support preparation.  Students will be given a rough GCSE grade to show the standard of their work (e.g 5/6; 7/8) and the marks and grade will be published on Satchel for you to see. At the end of the Year, students will sit a formal exam in the Sports Hall during which they will complete a full 1hr 45 minute Core theory (40 marks) and Specialist Knowledge Paper (60 marks) worth 100 marks in total, which will be marked to exam board standards and a grade awarded.

The grades given for Specialist Project 1, 2 and the final Y10 mock grade will be used to generate a final overall Y10 working grade.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 10 in D&T?

Students will be set weekly homework that they will be expected to spend around 1 hour completing. The homework will be a variety of tasks such as:

  • Completion of classwork with further research and note-making
  • Completion of past GCSE questions
  • Revision for tests
  • Online revision/quizzes using sites such as BBC bitesize/Kahoot/GCSEPod/Seneca Learning

Students will be expected to regularly access the online textbook via https://www.pearsonactivelearn.com/app/Home

Their username is the same as their username in school and the password is Textbook21.

How can I support my child to do well in D&T during Year 10?

  • Ensure they complete their homework properly and in detail
  • Support them by ensuring they have somewhere suitable to work, away from distractions but with online access to the textbook etc.
  • Buy a revision guide (order forms available to download via this website)
  • Support them to revise and prepare properly for each test
  • Encourage them to attend after school catch-up sessions if they fall behind with their work

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • Students can access the digital textbooks to help with revision.
  • After school catch-up sessions will be available.
  • Revision books can be purchased to assist with understanding.
  • Students should be encouraged to seek assistance from their teacher when they are struggling with any concept.
  • Students have access to a range of online Learning platforms which have a range of resources to help boost understanding.

Updated September 2021