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The Wavell School

Year 11 Science

GCSE Triple Science


Extension Science students study the separate subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These students will cover the same topics learnt by students studying for the Combined Science GCSEs but with some added content apart from in Physics where there is one extra unit of study.


Biology will cover Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and response, Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, variation and evolution and Ecology

Chemistry will cover Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, structure, and the properties of

Matter, Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes, Energy changes, The rate and extent of chemical change, Organic chemistry, Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere, Using resources

Physics will cover Forces, Energy, Waves, Electricity, Magnetism and electromagnetism, Particle model of matter, Atomic structure and Space physics

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: AQA

Triple Science: Specification Codes: 8461, 8462 and 8463






2 Written Papers per subject

6 papers in total

50% each paper

2 x 1 hour 45 minute

per subject

June of Year 11

6 Structured Papers – two each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics


Questions can be multiple choice, structured, closed, short answer and open response.

What did my child study during Year 10?

The Sciences are topic-based course, the topics that were covered during Year 10 are:

Key Ideas Covered

Next to each section you will find the relevant book reference.

1st Term

2nd Term

3rd Term


·         Organ and organ systems

·         Digestive system

·         Structure of the heart and blood vessels

·         Heart disease

·         Plant organ systems

AQA BIOLOGY PAGES  Chapters B3 and B4 pages 36-66


Quantitive Chemistry

·         Calculating formula mass

·         Reacting mass calculations

·         Concept of the Mole

·         Using moles to balance equations

·         Limiting reactants

·         Atom economy

·         Percentage Yield in reactions

·         Concentrations of solutions.

·         Calculating volumes of gases in equations.

Aqa Chemistry books Chapter C4 pages 62-81

Chemical changes

·         The reactivity Series and reactivity of metals.

·         Extraction of metals and reduction.

·         Oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons.

·         Reaction of acids and neutralisation.

·         Ph Scale and common reactions

·         Titrations- method and calculations.

·         The principles of electrolysis.

AQA Chemistry Chapter C5 and C6 pages 84-111


·         Energy changes in a system

·         Power, work done and kinetic energy calculations

·         Conservation of energy

·         Efficiency

·         Energy resources


Chapters P1, P2, P3

Pages 4-44


·         Circuit diagrams and symbols

·         Parallel and series circuits

·         Resistance

·         Charge and flow of electrons.

·         Mains electricity

·         National Grid

·         Energy transfer and Power

·         Static electricity.

AQA Physics Chapter P4 and P5 pages 50-75

Energy changes

·         Exothermic and Endothermic reactions

·         Drawing and interpreting reaction profile diagrams.

·         Hydrogen fuel cells

AQA CHEMISTRY Chapter C7 pages 112-125

Infection and Response

·         Communicable Disease

·         Viral disease

·         Bacterial disease

·         Fungal disease

·         Protist disease

·         Human defence mechanisms and vaccinations.

·         Antibiotics and treating disease

·         Drug trials

·         Monoclonal antibodies

·         Plant disease

AQA BIOLOGY Chapters  B5 and B6 pages 74-110


Particle model of matter (Physics aspects)

·         Changes of state and Particle Model

·         Density Calculations

·         Internal energy

·         Specific latent heat calculations.

·         Gas pressure and temperature calculations.

AQA Physics book

Chapter P6 Pages 76-91





·         The Human nervous system.

·         Role of neurones.

·         What is a reflex arc.

·         Structure and function of the brain.

·         Structure and function of the eye.

·         Thermoregulation.

·         Blood sugar control.

·         The role of hormones in fertility.

·         Plant hormones

·         Role of the kindey’s and transplants

·         What is dialysis and how does it work.

AQA BIOLOGY Chapter B 1—11 pages 146- 190

Bonding and Structure

·         Types of bonding – ionic, covalent and metallic.

·         The states of matter

·         Giant Covalent Molecules

·         Structure and properties of metals

·         Bonding of diamond and graphite

·         Nano-chemistry


Chapter C3 PAGES 36-61


Atomic Structure (Physics aspects)

·         Structure of an atom.

·         Development of the atom and other models.

·         Radioactive decay and nuclear radiation

·         Nuclear equations

·         Half lives and radioactive decay

·         Radioactive contamination

·         Nuclear fusion and fission.

AQA PHYSICS Chapter Chapter P7 pages 92-111

Rate of chemical change

·         Calculating rates of reactions

·         Factors which affect the rates of reaction.

·         Collision theory and activation energy

·         Dynamic equilibrium

·         Reversible reactions

AQA Chemistry book Chapter C8 PAGES 128-148



·         Types of respiration Anaerobic or aerobic.

·         Photosynthesis

·         And rate of Photosynthesis.

·         Use of glucose from Photosynthesis

·         Response to exercise

AQA BIOLOGY Chapter B8 and B9 pages 124-143


What will my child study during Year 11?

1st Term

2nd Term

3rd Term


  • The Human nervous system.
  • Role of neurones.
  • What is a reflex arc
  • The brain
  • The eye
  • Endocrine system
  • Blood sugar control.
  • Diabetes
  • The role of negative feedback
  • Human reproduction
  • Hormones and the menstrual cycle
  • The role of hormones in fertility.
  • Infertility treatments
  • Plant hormones
  • Thermoregulation
  • Removing waste products
  • The human kidney
  • Dialysis
  • Kidney transplants

AQA BIOLOGY Chapter B10 – B12 pages 146—193

Organic Chemistry

  • Crude oil and hydrocarbons
  • Fractional distillation
  • Burning hydrocarbons
  • Cracking and Alkenes
  • Reaction of alkenes
  • Structures of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
  • Reactions and uses of alcohols
  • Carboxylic acids and esters
  • Polymers
  • DNA

AQA Chemistry Chapter C9 – C11 Pages 148-177

Chemistry of the atmosphere

  • History of the atmosphere
  • Evolution of the atmosphere
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Global climate change
  • Atmospheric pollutants
  • Carbon footprint
  • Effects of pollutants

AQA Chemistry chapter C13 PAGES 194-205

Rates of Reaction

  • Calculating rates of a reaction
  • Factors affecting rates of reaction
  • Collision theory & surface area
  • Effect of temperature
  • The effect of concentration & pressure
  • The effect of catalysts
  • Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium.
  • Altering conditions

AQA Chemistry Book Chapter C8 pages 128-147


  • Transverse and Longitudinal waves
  • Properties of waves
  • Reflection, refraction and dispersion
  • Sound waves
  • The use of ultrasound
  • Seismic waves
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Communications
  • Reflection of light
  • Refraction of light
  • Light and colour
  • Lenses

AQA Physics Chapters P12 - P14 Pages 174-213

Using resources

  • Finite and renewable resources
  • Potable water
  • Treatment of waste water
  • Extracting metals from ores
  • Life cycle assessments
  • Recycling
  • Rusting and it’s prevention.
  • Alloys as useful materials
  • The properties of polymers
  • Glass, ceramics and composites
  • Making Ammonia – the Haber process
  • Making fertilisers

AQA Chemistry book Chapter C14 – C15 Pages 206-237


  • Scalar and vector quantities
  • Contact and non-contact forces
  • Forces between objects
  • Resultant forces
  • Moments
  • Lever and gears
  • Moments and equilibrium
  • Gravity
  • Friction
  • Centre of mass
  • The parallelogram of forces
  • Resolution of forces
  • Work done and energy transfer
  • Speed & distance time graphs
  • Velocity-time graphs
  • Force and acceleration
  • Speed, velocity and acceleration
  • Weight & terminal velocity
  • Newton’s laws
  • Forces and stopping distances
  • Momentum
  • Conservation of momentum
  • Impact forces
  • Safety first
  • Forces & elasticity
  • Forces and pressure
  • Pressure in a liquid
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Upthrust & flotation

AQA Physics Chapters P8,P9,P10, P11 PAGES 112-171

  • Communities
  • Abiotic and Biotic factors
  • Distribution & abundance
  • Competition in animals
  • Competition in plants
  • Adaptations of living organisms (animals & plants)
  • Feeding relationships
  • Recycling of biological material
  • The carbon cycle
  • Rates of decomposition
  • The human population
  • Land & water pollution
  • Air pollution
  • Deforestation & peat destruction
  • Global warming
  • The impact of change
  • Maintaining Biodiversity
  • Trophic levels and biomass
  • Biomass
  • Factors affecting food security
  • Making food production efficient
  • Sustainability

AQA Biology book chapter B16 – B18 pages 258-311

Space Physics

  • Formation of the solar system
  • Life cycle of a star
  • Planets, satellites & orbits
  • Types of satellites and their uses.
  • The expanding universe
  • Red shift
  • Big bang theory
  • Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.
  • Components of a nuclear reactor.
  • Centripetal force and circular motion.
  • What is dark matter.

AQA Physics book Chapter P16 pages 232-243


Magnetism and electromagnetism

  • Permanent and induced magnetism
  • Magnetic fields
  • Magnetic fields of electric currents
  • Electromagnets in devices
  • The generator effect
  • The alternating-current generator
  • Transformers
  • The motor effect
  • Flemings left hand rule

AQA Physics book Chapter P15 Pages 214-231


How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Biology/Chemistry and Physics in Year 11?

The science course during Year 10 and 11 is a topic based course (see above for list of topics). At the end of each topic students will complete an informal test in class lasting 30 minutes and worth 30 marks made up of previous GCSE questions. The test will be notified via Satchel with some revision materials published to support preparation. Students will be given a rough GCSE grade to show the standard of their work (e.g 5/6; 7/8).  

Students will sit three formal exams during the Mock exam period during the first term November/December of year 11. Students will likely complete 3 x 1hr 45min exams one each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics covering the paper 1 content.

A second round of mock exams will likely follow later in the year once all paper 2 content has been taught.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 11 in Biology/Chemistry/Physics?

Students will be set weekly homework that they will be expected to spend around 1 hour completing. The homeworks will be a variety of tasks that will primarily be:

  • Completion of classwork with further research and note-making
  • Completion of past GCSE questions
  • Revision for tests
  • Online revision/quizzes using sites such as SAMLearning & Seneca Learning

Students will be expected to regularly access the online textbook via kerboodle (www.kerboodle.com). Their username and password is the same as their username in school and the institution code is SL4.

How can I support my child to do well in Biology/Chemistry/Physics during Year 11?

  • Ensure they complete their homework properly
  • Support them by ensuring they have somewhere suitable to work, away from distractions but with online access to the textbook etc.
  • Buy a revision guide (order forms available to download via this website)
  • Support them to revise and prepare properly for each test

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • Students can access the digital textbooks to help with revision.
  • After school revision sessions will be available.
  • Revision books can be purchased to assist with understanding.
  • Students should be encouraged to seek assistance from their teacher when they are struggling with any concept.
  • Students have access to Sam Learning and the Kerboodle learning platform which has a range of resources to help boost understanding.

Last Updated September 2023